
Local Edmond: Local Students Have Final Summer Hoorah at Citizens Bank of Edmond’s Heard on Hurd

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Tabatha Thurman- EMCEE and Executive Assistant to Jill Castilla

Local students of all ages were able to participate in one last Back to School bash at Citizens Bank of Edmond’s Heard on Hurd over the weekend. The high temperatures did not keep the crowds away from enjoying local food, local shopping and Lime scooter demos, purchasing raffle tickets from the Edmond Public School foundation for their VW Jetta giveaway and dancing with the Teacup Chain Square Dancers.

“Being part of such a huge community event like Heard on Hurd not only helped us sell raffle tickets for the car we are giving away in December, but allowed to raise community awareness about the needs in Edmond Public Schools”. Said the Executive Director of the Edmond Public School Foundation, Deanna Boston. “We spoke to so many people that night about the needs of our teachers and students right here in Edmond. The proceeds from the car raffle will help the Edmond Public Schools Foundation fund academic projects in the classrooms through our Great Idea grants, send students to national arts and science competitions who may not have been able to go otherwise and support new teachers just getting started in the classroom.  We are so grateful for the community support”!

The Heard on Hurd stage featured three local talents including The Old Bulldog Band, Steelwind, and The Wight Lighters. The streets were also filled with music as the OC Summer Singers from Oklahoma Christian University played at the intersection of Main and Broadway.

Heard on Hurd returns to the corner of Broadway and Hurd only two more times in the 2019 season, so be sure to mark your calendars for September 21st and October 19th.

To find out more about the event, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

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Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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