Around Edmond: The Eclipse and theory of relativity. Kyle Dillingham represents Edmond in Qingyang. Heard on Hurd rocked back to school!


Hi everyone! What a crazy week, month and year so far! If you’re new to the blog, welcome, and I hope you enjoy the changes we have coming, and for those who have followed over the last 9 seasons, thanks for your patience as things are changing quickly at our social networks, in that they are exploding during our slowest period of the year. I’m grateful, to be sure, and hope I am keeping up to your needs! If you have anything you’d like to see more of, please always feel comfortable letting me know.

So. Tomorrow we are having the first full solar eclipse in 99 years (ours will only been seen at about 84%) and a enormous part of the mid west will go dark.

An interesting fact, the British astronomer and mathematician, Sir Arthur Eddington, used the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919 to test Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

By taking pictures of stars near the Sun during totality, Eddington was able to show that gravity can bend light. This phenomenon is called gravitational deflection.

Who knew? 😀

If you didn’t have a chance to pick up some glasses for this event, you can make a cool pinhole projector! Here’s the instruction:

This last week, I had the absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to be able to sit down with Mayor Lamb, former Chamber President Ken Moore, and the amazingly talented Kyle

Mayor Lamb and the Edmond Sister City Delegation in Qingyang in 2016

Dillingham to discuss Kyle’s upcoming trip to Qingyang, China as an Edmond Sister Cities ambassador to which we will be sharing his adventure as he posts at Instagram.

It was really interesting to hear their recounting of Edmond’s Sister Cities delgation’s visit to Russia in 2012, and the new year long partnership with Qingyang, their cultural exchange to which Kyle will be representing Edmond in September, where the program is going and how the program is set up to be directed and guided by future generations. They had so many interesting stories about their

Citizen’s Bank of Edmond’s Heard on Hurd celebrated back to school with near record crowds!

travels and the photos were so inspiring. Talk about community collaboration at a global level! You can read my article in the next upcoming issue of Edmond Active Magazine!

Hidden Dragon Yoga talking with some young yogis during the August Heard on Hurd!

Last night Heard on Hurd simply rocked back to school with a fun party, including the Sugar Free Allstars, an amazing student at ACM@UCO pursuing a bachelors in Music Production, Ciara Brooke. Ciara leads worship at Christian Life Church in Tonkawa, OK where her husband is Senior Pastor. She just finished recording and producing her first LP “Unpredictable” at ACM@UCO. You can learn more by visiting at Click on the video above to watch an inspirational performance by Ciara!

To check out more photos from last night’s Heard on Hurd, visit EA at Instagram at

Have a great Monday, and check back Tuesday for another look at what’s new Around Edmond!







About Author /

Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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