Around Edmond: Citybuzz. City Councilman Josh Moore asks for input on unsavory sidewalk situations. ShopEdmond at Emory Anne’s featuring new arrivals for Fall.

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Hi everyone! I hope you’re out and about enjoying this beautiful weather while getting your last minute shopping done for back to school, and if you are new to Edmond, it’s usually about 100 right now! I used to provide a list of stores providing back to school discounts, however with online shopping being utilized almost entirely by busy moms, I feel that would be preaching to the choir.


The City of Edmond did not have a City Council meeting this week, however, Josh Moore, City councilman for Ward 2 did put out a request for his Facebook followers to provide him with photos and descriptions for sidewalks that need improvement or to let him know of areas that need sidewalks. This is what I am here for when it comes to being represented at the local level, as Mr. Moore is trying to assess where to implement grants but in finding new causes to be able to apply for new and different grants. Here is his post, if this is something you’d like to respond to:

Happy Hour

It’s Thursday and we have a loaded calendar starting this evening with EFI’s Vibes in Downtown Edmond in our Happy Hour feature this week!

ShopEdmond at Emory Anne Interiors located on 150th St SE of Santa Fe 

Anne McCarthy posted yesterday that her shop just received a HUGE shipment of furniture and she and her employees are busily trying to get them unpacked and on the floor! If you see something here that isn’t on the floor yet, just ask and they will be happy to bring it out for you!

Enjoy today’s weather, and stop back again Saturday evening to see what’s happening in and around Edmond!


About Author /

Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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