Amplify: Jordan Tacker’s So Lo Exhibition Comes to Edmond Fine Arts In August

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EDMOND, Okla. [July 20, 2021]— Visual pop artist and figurative painter, Jordan Tacker, will have a So Lo Gallery Exhibition at Edmond Fine Arts on Thursday, August 5 from 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m in conjunction with VIBES Edmond’s First Thursdays.

Jordan is from Oklahoma City, OK, and is currently working on her BFA in painting and illustration at Laguna College of Art and Design. She focuses on painting with oil on canvas and also does digital works. Jordan specializes in printmaking, drawing, and illustration and will have a variety of works for sale at her gallery opening.

“Most of my work revolves around taking aspects of the world around me and transforming them to how I wish they existed using extravagant colors, patterns, and figures,” said Jordan. “I am interested in the not-so-subtle use of color and exploring the extent of saturation and vibrancy, along with both natural and unnatural beauty of the human body.”

This gallery show at FAI presents her work from the past three years. Jordan is sure to bring vibrancy and life to the gallery for August, as it will be available for viewing and purchasing the whole month. Entree for the gallery opening is free for all ages. Attendees are encouraged to visit both the gallery and VIBES!

Monthly Gallery Shows are a program of the Edmond Fine Arts Institute, Edmond’s nonprofit community arts organization providing visual and performing art classes for children and adults year-round and the 3rd and 4th grade Art in Schools Program for Edmond Public School students.

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