MY HOME: How to make a Christmas Wreath

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My inspiration for this wreath comes from what you may find during a late fall wintry walk around Edmond or on your own property.

Only in winter do the small details in the forest take center stage—a lost turkey feather, some beautiful lichen, or an abandoned bird’s nest—not to mention a host of unusual pine cones, vines, and evergreens.

I always used to keep a pair of clippers in my pocket when out walking around my property or neighborhood, and usually came home with my arms full of treats from what would otherwise seem like a gray winter day.

The shape of the wreath is inspired from a Greek laurel wreath, but with a tangle of grapevines to form the base, the overall effect is more wildly natural than classically composed.

If you are without outdoor inspiration, visit TLC Garden Center or Emory Anne Interiors for real options or faux options and additional spark, if you’re inclined.


  • Foraged fir Blue spruce
  • Weeping blue spruce
  • Bird’s nest in a branch
  • Turkey feathers
  • Dried spirea branches
  • Dried lichen
  • Grapevine


  • Clippers
  • Roll of bind wire
  • Double-faced satin ribbon
  • A few wooden barbecue skewers

Attach evergreen to grapevine wreath with bind wire and weave the grapevine into a circle about 12 inches wide.

The wreath should look like the woods in miniature. Imagine a small evergreen tree with a few grapevines intertwined; a small bird has made a nest in the branches, and a flock of wild turkeys have come through and left some feathers. If you distill the woods into a single display, this wreath would be it.

The best part of this project is that no two wreaths are the same, and that your kids can help you forage for a great socially spaced project!

About Author /

Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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