
Local Edmond: City Announces Republic Services States It Will No Longer Recycle Glass Citing It’s No Longer Environmentally Responsible

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The City of Edmond posted on Facebook a public release of a new change to our City’s recycling program starting January 1, 2020, stating that Republic Services will no longer accept glass jars and bottles, along with not accepting any plastics with the number’s 3 through 7 stamped on the bottom.

In a stunning statement, Republic Services stated, “The carbon footprint to collect, transport and recycle glass now exceeds the benefit of recycling it. It is no longer environmentally responsible to recycle glass. We are always evaluating the benefits as well as the overall impact of recycling in order to ensure that our program is efficient and environmentally friendly.”

Recyclable Items
  • Aerosol Cans (only if they are completely empty)
  • Aluminum beverage cans
  • Prescription vials, yogurt containers, dairy containers, margarine tubs, detergent containers, and fabric softener bottles stamped with a 1 & 2
  • Magazines and phone books
  • Cake and Cereal boxes
  • Juice boxes and other paper cartons
  • Newspapers, including ad inserts
  • Plastic beverage containers, food containers, clean garden pots, flats, and detergent jugs that are stamped with a 1 & 2 on the bottom
  • Shampoo and conditioner bottles stamped with a 2 on the bottom
  • Tin food cans and lids (rinse clean, no need to remove labels)
  • Cardboard (corrugated paper board)
Non-Recyclable Items
  • Appliances
  • Glass Bottles/Jars
  • Plastics numbered 3 – 7
  • Egg cartons
  • Foam, including Styrofoam/Polystyrene Foam and packaging materials
  • Bubble wrap
  • Food
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Wood/Yard waste
  • Wire clothing hangers
  • Oil, antifreeze, or chemical containers
  • Waxed cartons
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Tissues and used paper towels
  • Light Bulbs
  • Batteries
  • Diapers
  • Plastic shopping bags
  • Coat hangers
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Rubber balls

For the full release of what is and isn’t allowable in your recycle bin, visit the public release here!

About Author /

Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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