Around Edmond: Representative Horn’s Tele Town Hall. Updated List of open/closed businesses. Public School buildings to close with alternative learning. Loan/Grant List for Startups and Small Businesses from Stitch Crew.

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Hi everyone. Well, the Spring took a turn none of us were informed was going to occur. I, for one, am a little upset this wasn’t shared with us in January, to allow for a better pre prep for what is happening now, and could occur shortly.

Sunday evening, our US Congresswoman, Kendra Horn, held a tele town hall from her OKC home where she is quarantined due to contact with another member of Congress whom tested positive for Covid-19. She introduced three guests whom work in the medical field, including Dr. Bookman of OU Medical.

The medical professionals on the call revealed ERs are overwhelmed w/people who think they MAY be infected. This is a problem because in treating these possible patients medical personnel are using up scarce PPE (short on gowns, gloves, & masks) forcing them to ration and reuse.

I will share my take aways, but most importantly, they all stressed emphatically, if you find yourself with symptoms, please do NOT go directly to an urgent care, your primary care physician or a hospital or ER. Do Not. Instead, call your primary caregiver, so that they may survey your symptoms over the phone, then they will determine how to proceed.

Takeaways from the March 22, 2020 Town Hall:

  1. Representative Horn reiterated the importance of local and state officials continuing to work with the Federal government was necessary relating to issues of public health.
  2. Recent claims about proven therapies mentioned by the president (Dr. Bookman from OU Medical did not identify President Trump by name) were disputed. Claims about a functioning supply train for medical equipment and supplies were disputed by local medical professionals, as well.
  3. Due to low amounts of testing there may be 11 infected people for every 1 currently identified, and that numbers shared today reflect who became sick last week. Also, people who have been infected will need two negative tests to ensure they have recovered.

There will be more town halls by this method, and I urge you to listen when they occur. This call was to the point and informative.

Our list of business operations and restaurant operations has been updated here!

Saturday was to be the season opener of Heard on Hurd, but alas was postponed, along with the April 18th event, due to the virus outbreak.

Jill Castilla updated what she has been doing for the consumer and commercial customers at Citizen’s Bank of Edmond. More here:

There is a list of loans/grants and other help available thanks to Erika Lucas, co founder of Stitch Crew, and other’s who helped cultivate the growing list of help for startups, entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Check the list often as Erika will be updating often, here:

The Oklahoma State Department of Education announced Joy Hofmeister’s recommendation public schools across Oklahoma close their buildings. More information here:

That’s it for today, check back Wednesday for more local information.

We’ll be alright, hoping all of you don’t lose hope in this situation.


About Author /

Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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