Around Edmond: Get ready for Edmond’s Farmer’s Market to move outdoors. Boulevard Academy students unveiled beautiful murals during Vibe’s season opener, connecting community in a beautiful way. One month until the Edmond Art’s Festival arrives in Downtown Edmond.

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Hi everyone, hoping all of you are doing well. It is an off weekend for events, so here is a rundown of what is coming up.

If you are new to the area, note that our Farmer’s Market runs a winter market inside the MAC center at Mitch Park until the end of March, then restarts the outdoor market again west of Broadway on 1st Street under the cover of the Festival Market Place. Mark your calendars for the opening day of Edmond’s Farmers Market for April 20th!

Previously I had mentioned that Edmond Fine Arts Institute partnered with students attending Boulevard Academy, by offering instruction on how to create murals and then having these students create murals unveiled at the season opener of Edmond Vibe’s last Thursday April 2nd. I have never witnessed any event promoter or any leader in Edmond, create such a beautiful connection to and sense of community, as what occurred with this partnership with this school, and I applaud the Edmond Fine Arts Institute in doing so. 

Not all learn conventionally, and this way of connecting these students to the community, is just a much needed positive affirmation from the Edmond community, sending a message to these students that they indeed belong, and their artistic addition to the area indeed has value.

This effort was genuine, and I hope the Edmond Fine Arts Institute’s involvement with Boulevard Academy continues in the future, after leaving such a positive impression on these kids. I hope these students feel this connection as they move onward with this new skill, and hopefully the positive experience leaves them with a desire to make a difference wherever they may land through community art. Also, it is always a pleasure to watch Boldview Media’s video’s after each Edmond Vibe’s, whose owner happens to be a very talented resident of Edmond.

It is countdown time for the 2024 Downtown Edmond Arts Festival! Check out some of the 157 artists signed up for this year’s event by clicking below! The event will be held over 3 days May 3, 4 and 5th in Downtown Edmond with a Vibes Artist Market happening Thursday May 2nd: 

Check back next week to see what’s happening around Edmond!


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Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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