Amplify: Stephanie Carel of the Downtown Edmond Business Association talks about why Shopping Small matters.


Being a small business owner has always been a tough job, but the people who choose this path are doing it for the vision and passion of their products or services.  It is their dream to support themselves and their families.  The highs and lows that come with owning your own business can sometimes be exhausting. There is no time clock for a business owner, as there is always something that needs to be done. With those lows comes amazing highs,  like getting to know your customers on a personal level and building relationships that can last a lifetime.

During the holidays, patronizing small is the biggest way you can support those business owners. Not only are you supporting a dream, but you are supporting those that give back the most to our city. Small businesses give more donations to schools and organizations than any large box store or online shopping site. In fact, .68 cents of every dollar spent in a small store stays in that community.  And 99.9% of all businesses in the country are owned by small business owners, and many of those are minorities. Those small businesses generate 1.5 million jobs, resulting in 64% of all new jobs in the United States. Those are some great numbers and a bigger reason to Shop Small! With such impressive numbers, you can see why it’s so American to shop small!

So, when you are making those Thanksgiving shopping plans with your family and friends, Come to Downtown Edmond on November 30th to help us celebrate our small businesses and their hard-working owners and employees.

Stephanie Carel

Co-Owner Silver Leaf Gems

Executive Director Downtown Edmond

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Hi there! I am Sherri Hultner and I am the founder of all things EdmondActive! The website and social networks of over 40,000 local residents are where you can find me interacting daily with our followers

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